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Major subjects Covered

The children will also be exposed to Shona and Heritage for our Infants and Fareme and Agriculture for the upper grades as per the ZIMSEC Curriculum .

The children will go on educational trips during the term and communication on these trips will be put in the term diary . Children perform science experiments and work on projects to enhance understanding of concepts taught . We practice 21st century teaching methods which advocate for child centered approach in teaching . We believe children should be active participants in learning as it will have a life long impact .

Reading Culture

Reading is a critical part of our curriculum . Our children are exposed to a lot of genres required by the Cambridge curriculum . These books help to improve their comprehension skills and writing . Children will bring sunrise readers home every day and parents are expected to listen to their children read and sign in the book markers . A rigorous reading program will be conducted from first term right through to the end of the year .

Writing Program

Wise Owl has a strength in teaching handwriting as we believe that each child should learn to present their work in an excellent manner . Parents should monitor handwriting at home as well .

Computer lessons

Children have computer lessons twice a week Computer literacy is an integral part of our curriculum . In our lessons we cultivate skills such as typing accuracy of numbers and letters , printing , typing sentences and saving documents just to mention a few .

Critical IT Programs that the parents will be required to register their children for next year will be communicated Wise Owl Primary School is moving toward an online


The children visit the library once a week and collect a book to read . Parents should ensure that books brought home are taken care of at home . The school has a vibrant library that will provide an extensive reading culture to the children .


Due to the COVID – 19 pandemic students will be required to have a gadget to use at school or at home . The specifications are as follows

IT Regulations

Children will be cautioned regularly on the dangers of the internet . Parents also have the responsibility to monitor students at home . The school will support with controls that a parent can set up to protect the student from exposure to inappropriate sites .

Soft Skills

Wise Owl thrives to mould a holistic individual who is able to excel in academics and in soft skills. We believe soft skills play a pivotal role in their development and in their later life. We groom students to be excellent in all they do, to be results driven and to be passionate learners as Our values stipulate

We want a Wise Owl student to work independently. to have excellent communication skills, to be spiritual and to also have teamwork as they work With their colleagues The school is very strict on building a solid school culture A Wise Owl leaner should be presentable respectful to adults and to other leaners, polite responsible and a fluent communicator. he school expects learners to follow a set of school rules that will be clearly communicated

School times

Punctuality is VITAL Children should be at school by 07:00 am to start their school day and morning activities such as reading and revision . The school has engaged Private transporters who offers a bus service that starts running from as early as 06:00 am . Parents can discuss with the school administrator to get more information .

Monday - Thursday

7:00 am to 3.30 pm
