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Boarding Life

The Boarding at Wise Owl is the “very heart of the school” and at the outset it is to be emphasized that for the boarders, this is home. There needs to be amongst each and every boarder a strong sense of belonging, of being wanted, of being special. The boarders will usually be resident in school on weekends / holidays and participate in weekend programs.

Boarders may go out on weekends / holidays with their parents/guardians. This permission shall be granted only if they have their parent’s permission and this includes picking up and dropping back to the hostel. The functioning of the boarding facility is under the overall direction of the Principal. Every boarding student is allocated a bed within a room in a gender specific house supervised by Boarding Master or Boarding Matron with the support of the residential staff as well as a team of housekeeping personnel.

Apart from the responsibilities associated with the regular day school, the residential staff (Teaching & nonteaching) will also be caring for your child during activities through the day/week when the boarders need the active supervision of the resident staff. Over weekends, different groups of residential staff members are assigned duties that they share with the house parents.

The best infrastructure is meaningless, without a staff that is compassionate, caring and involved with the children under their care. The key personnel in this endeavour are the house parents who are the “primary care givers” and the residential staff. The personal involvement of each member of staff goes well beyond merely fulfilling one’s duty.As “in loco parentis” they stand in for the parents, being role models, good listeners, always available and yet gently firm when needed. In the regular day school as well, it is an expectation that the boarders are treated with that “extra special attention” by every single staff member. The class teacher, in particular, takes a personal interest in the boarders who are in her/his class, checking on them on a regular basis and keeping in touch with the respective house parent for routine as well as non-routine procedures.

pocket money

Boarders are issued with a fixed amount of pocket money for personal expense as and when required. Such monies must be deposited by parents or the student to the accounts office for safekeeping. This will be deducted from the student’s amount and disbursed by the accounts office Please note that boarders are not allowed to carry large sums of money

psychological services

There are 3 main pillars in the department which are psycho-educational, psycho-social and mental health. We are here for every child and seek to offer support to those students that are struggling and gifted students. Evaluations are done in order to ascertain the weakness and strengths of a learner, strategies are then formulated to help the learner settle in. We are
from different backgrounds and we teach and train our students to adopt pro-social behaviour.


Two fully qualified Registered General Nurses are based at our Sanatorium
and are on call 24-hours a day. They look after the general health and welfare of pupils, staff and our ancillary staff. They also attend sports functions, prepare first aid bags for ‘away matches’ and make arrangements with other healthcare facilities for the treatment of sick or injured children whether ‘at home’ or ‘away’. In emergencies, pupils are attended to at the local private hospital

the chaplain

The Chaplain services provide religious services, provide counselling, and organise community events for students and staff. We are an interdominational community and we serve in a number of different faiths at our school. Our Chaplain supports the spiritual growth and development of students through religious services and observances, and occasionally through religious educational programming. We have a Student Chaplain who is supported by their vice, elders and deacons. We have a school daily devotion that we use every morning before lessons and Sunday Service that has a student preacher or an invited guest.
